Brian Sredd gives tips and pointers on how to clean vinyl records.
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What a Dickhead, Paper towels scratch records you eegit!. and putting damp records wont rust up the stylus, this guy does'nt really care much about his record collection.
what a tool! This video should be titled "How Not to Clean Your Record Collection"
Correct way to clean your vinyl records:
1. Buy a vinyl cleaner (there's several out there). Some swear by a 50/50 distilled water and isopropyl alcohol mixture. whatever floats your boat.
2. Buy a microfiber towel, like the ones you use to clean an LCD/Plasma TV or reading glasses.
3. (Optional) Buy an anti-static brush. This helps in preventing some of pops and background noise that built up static produces during play back.
4. Clean your records. Remember to always go with the record grooves, not against them. Also, clean from the inside outwards.
Tada! You're done.
The better you treat your records, the better your records will treat you.
NOTE: Vinyl sleeves are good investment to keep your records and their covers in excellent shape.
Good points. Would also suggest Spin - Clear Record Cleaning Machine (costs around $60) which is recommended by numerous credible sources including "Stereophile and "Absolute Sound" magazines.
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